You've probably seen others use smilies before in email messages or other bulletin
board posts. Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile
or a frown
. This bulletin board
automatically converts certain text to a graphical representation when it is
inserted between brackets []. Here are the smilies that are currently
supported by Parrocchia di Gurone:
smile |
[:)] |
big smile |
[:D] |
cool |
[8D] |
blush |
[:I] |
tongue |
[:P] |
evil |
[}:)] |
wink |
[;)] |
clown |
[:o)] |
black eye |
[B)] |
eightball |
[8] |
frown |
[:(] |
shy |
[8)] |
shocked |
[:O] |
angry |
[:(!] |
dead |
[xx(] |
sleepy |
[|)] |
kisses |
[:X] |
approve |
[^] |
disapprove |
[V] |
question |
[?] |